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 Information pursuant to Section 5 Telemediengesetz

ID d/e USt IS Nr. 00338260427
Hessenring 89
61348 Bad Homburg

(+49) 6172 - 28892 - 0 Tel.
(+49) 6172 - 28892 - 22 Fax

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WOLPERT RECHTSANWÄLTE is represented by the partners

Marga Wolpert-Witzel

Vanessa Pantelakis

who are individually authorized to act as sole representatives:

Admission and competent supervision authority

The attorneys of WOLPERT RECHTSANWÄLTE are admitted to practice as lawyers in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the Frankfurt Bar Association as the competent admission and supervision authority.

Professional Regulations

The attorneys of WOLPERT RECHTSANWÄLTE are essentially subject to the following professional statutes:

  • the Federal Lawyers Act (BRAO),

  • the Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers (BORA),

  • the Law on Remuneration of Lawyers (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz – RVG),

  • the Specialist Lawyers Regulation (FAO) and

  • the rules of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE Rules).

These professional statutes can be retrieved on the website of the Federal Bar Association www.brak.de”.

Professional Liability Insurance

The following information is provided under the Regulation on information requirements for service providers of 12/03/2010, which transposes Directives 2006/123/EC on services in the internal market. WOLPERT RECHTSANWÄLTE maintains professional indemnity insurance with HDI Versicherung AG, 30650 Hannover, insurance number V-068-711-641-6. the geographical scope of insurance cover activities in Europe and thus meets at least the requirements of section 51 Federal Lawyers Act (BRAO).

Consumer Dispute Resolution Act

WOLPERT RECHTSANWÄLTE is not obligated to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board. WOLPERT RECHTSANWÄLTE is also not prepared to participate in such proceedings.


All texts on this homepage and the following pages are only general information and therefore do not constitute legal advice.

You are welcome to contact us via email. Please note, however, that communication via email is not safe, because third parties have in principle the possibility of unauthorised notice and manipulation. Therefore, we assume no liability for uncoded confidential data sent via email, regarding notice and manipulation by third parties.


Andrea Becker, Bad Homburg








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